Ferry Andros - Kea

Travelling by ferry from Andros to Kea

You want to travel from Andros to Kea? Then the Ferry Andros - Kea offers you a fast and cheap option for your trip. The ferry takes you 1 time per week in 7 hours 10 minutes from Andros (Cyclades Islands, Greece) to Kea (Cyclades Islands, Greece).

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Information about the ferry connection Andros - Kea

Ferry connection: Ferry Andros - Kea
Start port: Andros (Cyclades Islands, Greece)
Destination port: Kea (Cyclades Islands, Greece)
Number of crossings: 1 time per week
Travel time / journey time: 7 hours 10 minutes
Booking: Ferry Andros - Kea book
Operators on this route: Hellenic Seaways

Port information for your journey by ferry from Andros to Kea

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Andros (Gavrio)

Discover Andros, the green pearl of the Cyclades. Two hours from Rafina, it offers a unique blend of cultivated beauty and natural wildness. With Venetian castles, rushing rivers and mysterious watermills, Andros invites you to explore. The island impresses with ...

Port address

Address ferry harbour Andros (Gavrio)
Street: Epar.Od. Androu-Limani
Postcode & city: 845 01 Gavrio, Andros
Country: Greece
GPS: 37.8845525, 24.736246

Travel information

Arrival at the Andros ferry port in Gavrio
Arrival by car

How to reach the ferry port of Gavrio on Andros by car:

  • From Andros town: Follow the main road Epar.Od. Androu-Limani Gavriou in a south-westerly direction to Gavrio.
  • From other places on Andros: Take the appropriate roads towards Gavrio to reach the ferry port.
Arrival by bus & train

There are regular bus services between the various towns and villages on Andros, including Gavrio, the location of the ferry port.

Arrival by plane

Andros itself does not have an airport. The nearest airport is on Mykonos. From Myonos airport, you can take a cab to the Mykonos – Tourlos ferry port and then travel to Andros by ferry.

Here you will find more detailed information about the harbour, addresses of the ferry terminals, information about travelling to Andros (Gavrio), as well as all Ferries to Andros (Gavrio).

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Here you will find more detailed information about the harbour, addresses of the ferry terminals, information about travelling to Kea, as well as all Ferries to Kea.

Alternative ferry connections

To travel from Andros to Kea or from Cyclades Islands, Greece to Cyclades Islands, Greece, you can also use one of the following alternative ferry routes:

Route Start country &
destination country
Number &
Duration of trip
Ferry Anafi – Kea Cyclades Islands, GreeceCyclades Islands, Greece 1 time per week
8 hours 40 minutes

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to various questions about travelling from Andros to Kea.

Which ferries / shipping companies sail from Andros to Kea?

The ferry connection from Andros to Kea bedienen currently the shipping company Hellenic Seaways und SeaJets

How much is the ferry from Andros to Kea by car, caravan or motorhome?

Der Fahrpreis auf der Fährverbindung von Andros nach Kea ist von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig und richtet sich oft nach der Auslastung, dem Zeitpunkt der Reise, ob du mit oder ohne Fahrzeug reist und weiteren Punkten ab.

How often does the ferry go from Andros to Kea in Cyclades Islands, Greece?

The ferry connection Andros-Kea is currently 1 time per week offered.

How long does the ferry take to get from Andros to Kea?

The journey time (duration of the crossing) is currently 7 hours 10 minutes.

Can I take my dog / pet with me on the ferry?

Yes, that's not a problem. Dogs and smaller pets such as cats travel as normal on the ferry. On some ferries the animals must remain in the vehicle, on other ferries they can also be taken into the passenger areas. Some shipping companies also offer pet cabins or pet boxes on their ferries.

Check timetable, prices and availability & book

Enter your travel details in the connection search to check the times, the current prices and the availability of the Ferry Andros - Kea.

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