Ferry Kristiansand - Hirtshals

Travelling by ferry from Kristiansand to Hirtshals

You want to travel from Kristiansand to Hirtshals? Then the Ferry Kristiansand - Hirtshals offers you a fast and cheap option for your trip. The ferry takes you up to 6 times a day in 3 hours 15 minutes from Kristiansand (Norway) to Hirtshals (Denmark).

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Information about the ferry connection Kristiansand - Hirtshals

Ferry connection: Ferry Kristiansand - Hirtshals
Start port: Kristiansand (Norway)
Destination port: Hirtshals (Denmark)
Number of crossings: up to 6 times a day
Travel time / journey time: 3 hours 15 minutes
Distance: 132,6 Kilometers (ca. 71,3 Nautical miles)
Season: All year round (January-December)
Check-in: until 60 minutes before departure
Booking: ››› Check price & availability
Operators on this route: Fjord Line
Color Line

Port information for your journey by ferry from Kristiansand to Hirtshals

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When entering the harbour of Kristiansand, the visitor can look forward to a charming and at the same time varied city. In the old town Posebyen traditional wooden houses inspire, in the center the cathedral. The Christiansholm fortress once protected ...

Port address

Address ferry harbour Kristiansand
Street: Vestre Strandgate 31
Postcode & city: 4611 Kristiansand
Country: Norway
GPS: 58.1445721, 7.9899231

Travel information

Travel by car to the Color Line & Fjord Line Terminal Kristiansand
  • From Oslo: Drive south on the E18 to Kristiansand. Follow the signs to the ferry port, which is located in the city center.
  • From Stavanger: Take the E39 east to Kristiansand and then follow the signs to the ferry port.
  • From Bergen: Take the E39 southbound, change to the E18 eastbound in Mandal and follow the signs to the ferry port in Kristiansand.
Arrival by bus & train

Kristiansand is easily accessible by train and bus from various parts of Norway. The main train station and central bus station are only a few minutes away from the ferry port.

Arrival by plane
  • Kristiansand Airport (Kjevik): The airport is located about 16 km northeast of the city. From the airport, you can take a cab or the airport bus to the ferry terminal.

Here you will find more detailed information about the harbour, addresses of the ferry terminals, information about travelling to Kristiansand, as well as all Ferries to Kristiansand.

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The harbour town of Hirtshals with its pedestrian zone and restaurants offers ample opportunity to stroll and enjoy. In the harbour tours are offered and the fishermen sell freshly caught fish. A stroll through the town also includes the regional ...

Port address

Address ferry harbour Hirtshals
Street: Læssevej 5
Postcode & city: 9850 Hirtshals
Country: Denmark
GPS: 57.5917305, 9.9690697

Travel information

Arrival by car
  • From the south (Aalborg): Drive north on the E39 highway. Follow the signs to Hirtshals. In Hirtshals follow the signs to the ferry port (Læssevej).
  • From the west (Thisted): Take road 11 north to the junction with the E39. Then continue towards Hirtshals and follow the signs to the ferry port.
Arrival by bus and train
  • By train: There are regular train connections to Hirtshals station. From there, you can take a local bus or cab to the ferry port, or you can walk there in about 15 minutes.
  • By bus: There are also direct bus connections from various parts of Denmark that stop near Hirtshals ferry terminal.
Arrival by plane
  • Aalborg Airport: The nearest major airport is in Aalborg. From there, you can either hire a car or take the train and bus to Hirtshals.

Here you will find more detailed information about the harbour, addresses of the ferry terminals, information about travelling to Hirtshals, as well as all Ferries to Hirtshals.

Itinerary & Inspirations

Fähre Kristiansand-Hirtshals mit Fjord Line buchen

Fjord Line Fähre MS Bergensfjord in Bergen

Fjord Line Fähre MS Bergensfjord in Bergen

Fjord Line Schnellfähre Fjord FSTR

Fjord Line Schnellfähre Fjord FSTR ist auf der Fährverbindung Hirtshals-Kristiansand im Einsatz

Die Color Line Fähre Superspeed 1 wird auf der Route Hirtshals-Kristiansand eingesetzt.

Die Color Line Fähre Superspeed 1 wird auf der Route Hirtshals-Kristiansand eingesetzt. Quelle:

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Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to various questions about travelling from Kristiansand to Hirtshals.

Which ferries / shipping companies travel from Kristiansand to Hirtshals?

The ferry connection from Kristiansand to Hirtshals is currently operated by the shipping companies Fjord Line and Color Line.

The ferries are used for this:

  • Color Line Superspeed 1
  • Fjord Line Fjord FSTR high-speed catamaran
  • Fjord Line MS Bergensfjord
  • Fjord Line MS Stavangerfjord


How much is the ferry from Kristiansand to Hirtshals by car, caravan or motorhome?

The fare on the ferry from Kristiansand to Hirtshals depends on various factors and often depends on the load factor, the time of travel, whether you are traveling with or without a vehicle and other factors. You can make a simple price inquiry here.

Can I board without a car as a pedestrian and with a bicycle?

Yes, that is of course possible. You can also use the Kristiansand-Hirtshals ferry as a pedestrian or cyclist. You can also book these tickets online.

How many vehicles can I book per booking?

Only one vehicle is permitted per booking. So if you are traveling in a group with several cars, motorcycles or bicycles, you will have to make several bookings.

How often and for how long does the ferry travel from Kristiansand to Hirtshals in Denmark?

The Kristiansand-Hirtshals ferry connection is currently offered up to 6 times a day.

The ferries take between 2 hours 25 minutes and 3 hours 55 minutes to cover the distance of just under 136 kilometers, depending on the type of ship.

  • Superspeed 1 in approx. 3 hours 15 minutes
  • Fjord FSTR in approx. 2 hours 25 minutes
  • MS Bergensfjord & MS Stavangerfjord in approx. 3 hours 55 minutes

Can I take my dog / pet with me on the ferry?

Yes, that’s not a problem. However, your dog must remain in the vehicle during the crossing. Dogs are not allowed on deck or in the public areas on this route. It is therefore not possible to book a pet for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.

When does the ferry from Kristiansand to Denmark depart?

The first ferry departs daily at 6:30 am. The last ferry departs daily at 19:45.

What is the latest time I have to check in for the ferry Kristiansand-Hirtshals?

You must check in at the port of Kristiansand at least 60 minutes before departure. However, you should plan a little more time for check-in. Especially during the vacation season and on public holidays, the port can get crowded and check-in can take a little longer.

What happens if I am not at the port in time?

That can happen, of course. The Color Line and Fjord Line ferries will not wait for you, however, as the timetables must be adhered to. If you have purchased a flexible ticket, you can simply use the next available ferry. However, if you have a ferry ticket that is fixed for a specific departure, you will have to buy a new ticket at the port and wait for the next available ferry. We therefore recommend booking a flexible ticket and having less stress on arrival.

Where does the ferry from Kristiansand to Denmark depart from?

The Color Line and Fjord Line ferries depart from the port of Kristiansand. Here is the address:

Address ferry port Kristiansand
Street: Vestre Strandgate 31
Zip code & city: 4611 Kristiansand
Country: Norway
GPS coordinates: 58.1445721, 7.9899231

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